An artist website contact page lists ways people can contact you. It can and should be more than just a contact form or an email address. List more information on this page, such as…
- Two forms of contact in case one fails. This is usually a phone number and the contact form. Some people publish their actual email to make it easy for visitors to content them. If you publish your actual email address you are leaving yourself open to be harvested by spammers. People are getting use to contact forms and they really do reduce spam.
- A picture of you, your work or your store front.
- Your full name, address and phone number. Some people don’t like to include their street address; the minimum would be your location – town or city.
- Gallery representation including full name, address, phone number and a link to their website. You can create a separate page to list your representation should the list be long.

If you welcome studio visits:
If you prefer appointment add your phone number. Use your cell phone number if you rather not use your home phone.
If you have an open studio list the hours that you are available and make sure you are available.
The artist website contact page is usually the easiest page to create content for.
Providing only a contact form without any further information is the biggest omission I see on artist websites contact pages. Suggest why people could contact you.
Some examples could be…Please contact me if you would like further information:
- …on my work
- …inquire on purchasing work
- …join my email newsletter
- …receive invitations for upcoming exhibitions
- …just want to say HI!
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a contact page professional; an image, your info and a form, that’s it!
I have two WP sites: and The first page was created in June and I had access to a button in the contact page setup that said “create contact form” or something like that. I had uploaded Contact Form 7 but didn’t activate it. I believe I remember clicking on the button and the form was in existence. I sent a test e-mail from my contact page on my site and the e-mail showed up in no time in my computer e-mail. The second site was created in August and there was no button to “create contact form” so I uploaded the newest version of Contact Form 7, went through the step-by-step to create the page, went to the site and attempted to send a test e-mail to my computer but it never showed up. I can’t get an answer on this. Can you help?
I had a client with a similar problem. We changed to a different plugin, “Fast ans Secure Contact Form” and everything worked fine.
Thanks for using one of our themes!