WordPress for Artists Syllabus

Tutorial Description

WordPress is the fastest growing content management system on the internet. It is easy to use and allows non-experts to maintain their own websites, without having to learn or understand programming code, like HTML and CSS. This course will enable you to manage your own website using WordPress.

Customized for artists, I have stripped away the jargon and techie talk to present tutorials that make visual sense. Each section has written instructions, along with image markups and videos (that can be paused), which makes it easier to learn WordPress.

Tutorial Organization

WordPress for Artists is a self directed tutorial site, where you will find detailed step by step instructions for adding content, image galleries and managing your website and/or blog with WordPress.

The  tutorials cover the basics in each section, trying to take a progressive approach so that each section builds on knowledge and skill acquired earlier in the guide. That said you can access any section of the guide as needed to accomplish specific tasks or simply to refresh your memory.

All the screenshots and usage come from WordPress installed on this site, but they apply equally to WordPress installed on any site. Since WordPress periodically upgrades its functionality and adds new features, this course will be updated when there are new WordPress releases. Even if you feel you have it all under control, check back from time to time for information on new features, tips and tricks.

Learning Objectives

The intention is for you to learn how to manage your online portfolio, as well as administer your site. By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • administer and backup your content
  • change the appearance of your site
  • add functionality through the use of widgets
  • make your site content more interesting and engaging
  • format your text content and images for search engines
  • understand the basics of blogging
  • manage your portfolio and images online
  • resize your images for the web

It is the objective of Artbiz at WordPress for Artists, to introduce artists to a community of like minded individuals that share a common goal: self sufficiency through the use of WordPress.

Tutorial Topics & Site Content

Currently there are 5 sections of tutorials. Each section provides a snap shot of the topics covered with a short description and a direct link to the lesson page.

Also on this site you will find a growing list of resources to help you with WordPress and with your art marketing. The Members Area, exclusive to School Members, offers free downloads from art marketing courses and discounts on instructional art videos.


Tutorial Requirements

You need to have WordPress installed on a suitable hosting site. If you need help installing, migrating or upgrading your WordPress installation, please get in touch.

Your ideas, evaluations, etc

In general, your ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, challenges, etc. are welcome. Your discretion in these matters is expected, however.

Suggestions for Success

For most of you this course will not be difficult. The best success can be achieved by following the steps as laid out.

Comments are enabled on all tutorial pages, where you can search for answers. Also, use the form to post questions or provide answers for other members.  You can be as anonymous as you want but I encourage you to participate, as perhaps someone can learn from your experiences.

You are also encouraged to take advantage of WordPress Support posting questions or comments using the comment form.

Read More about WordPress, including FAQ

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