The Home page content welcomes visitors and tells them a bit about who you are and what your site is about.
Artist website home page content is usually just an image or a slide show. They forget to write a few words.
The words are important! Not only do words inform, words also help search engines index your site, which in turn raises your website rankings and (most importantly) helps visitors find you in Google.
Here are some words you can use on your home page. Copy, paste and change the underlined words to suit your work.
Jane Doe is a Calgary artist that creates vibrant abstract landscape paintings with oil on canvas.
This one sentence has 4 searchable terms in it and informs your site visitors about who you are.
Your home page also provides you with the opportunity to direct visitors to where you want them to go. For example…
I am very excited about my upcoming solo exhibition “Inside the Landscape” at XYZ Gallery on Oct 20 to Nov 20.
Please see my Events Page for more information.
Preview the work in this exhibition.
In the above example you would provide a link to the gallery and an internal link to the events and image page of your site.
If you don’t direct visitors to where you want them to go, you leave it up to happenstance as to where they go to next. And that could be to leave your site.
I see a lot of artists’ sites that use “I” or “my”. These words do not reinforce your name or the type of work you do into the memories of your site visitors.
Write in the third person, using your name, location, a description of your work and your medium.
By crafting this one sentence you have not only made your artist website home page content more memorable to the actual people who visit your site; you have just written a meta description for the search engines.
For more on SEO for Artists