You may or may not know that you really don’t need a home page per se. With WordPress you can set any page or your blog to be the landing page of your site.
But if you want a special page as a home page then don’t name the home page home. Why? Because home really isn’t a searchable term unless you’re looking for home page icons or pictures of houses.
So what do you name your homepage?
Why not take this opportunity to apply a little SEO (search engine optimization) to your site. It is especially important to do so on your homepage, after all that’s where search engines go first to index your site.
Here’s a real life example. The Julie Anderson home page is called Sculptural Ceramic Art of Julie Anderson
TIP: By default WordPress will use the actual name of the page when you add it to the menu. Once it’s in the menu open the menu item for editing and change the label to “Home” but leave the title attribute as the full-page name. NOTE: This will only work if your theme works with WordPress Menus
By putting some thought into what you name your homepage you will also have the start of a meta description unique to that page.
So what do you name your homepage? Provide us a link to see it in the comments below.