Using Custom Fonts and Link Colors

New to David Themes at version 2.0 is the ability to change the Header and the Entry Title Fonts for pages and posts. As well you can now change the color of your links.

Here’s how…

Once your theme is installed you can do a live preview to customize before publishing live.

Screenshot of the active theme and links to customize

Click the Customize link in the Appearance menu or on the theme screenshot. The David theme adds two new customization features; Typography and a color selector under colors.

Change the Font

david-customize-fontsSelect the font from the drop down menu. If none is selected the default font will be applied. David Custom Fonts use the Google Font library so if you want see what the font looks like visit and test, test, test.

The header font will be applied to the site title only, the site description will remain with the default font.

The entry title are the page and post titles.

To reset to the default font select “default” at the top of the drop down list.

Change the Color

Pick a Color

Change some font colors using the color selector.

The header text is your site title.

Background color is typical applied around the pages of your site. But it depends on the theme.

Page title applies color to all the pages and blog post titles.

Link color will be applied to content area links only, widget area links and the main navigation menu remain at the default color.

To reset back to the default colors simple click the “clear” or “default” button.

Other Options include

  • Adding a header image to accompany the site title and description or replace it.
  • Add or change the background image.



How a WordPress Child Theme works.

The David Theme is a what they call in theme development circles, a parent theme that acts as a framework to build other themes upon. You can use a parent theme on it’s own or with any one of it’s child themes.

A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme, and allows you to modify, or add to, the functionality of that parent theme.

Basically how it works is that you install the Parent Theme and add a different looks by installing and activating a child theme. The parent theme will work on it’s own, but a child theme requires the parent theme to function.

You, the end user benefit with:

  • Rock-solid code for your site that is continually being updated and refined.
  • Developers can churn out child themes more quickly, so the end user gets more choices.
  • You can easily skin your site with new looks.
  • Building a community around one framework offers more ideas and neat things for the end user to work with.

What is WordPress?
WordPress is an open source CMS, often used as a blog publishing application powered by PHP and MySQL. It has many features including a plugin architecture and a templating system. Used by over 12% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites, WordPress is the most popular CMS in use today. Source:

Yeah, so that explanation probably doesn’t mean a lot to you. In layman terms WordPress is an application that is installed on a hosting server, that provides users an interface where they can create and maintain content for a website.

What is a CMS?
A web content management system is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease. A robust CMS provides the foundation for collaboration, offering users the ability to manage documents and output for multiple author editing and participation. Source:

Okay, so WordPress is great for all types of authoring etc, but I just want a website.
What does this all mean?

Simply put it means that you can have a website to show your artwork, which you can manage yourself, with out having to know HTML code? There is a Blog available if you want to use it, but you don’t have to.

What is HTML code?
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of web pages.

HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of text-based content.

Need help setting up WordPress?
Over at we provide services for setting up a WordPress website and blog. Please read all we have to offer at WordPress for Artists Services.


How to Install Themes

How to install the themes

Once your purchase has been made you will be redirected back to this site to the download page. You will also receive the download information in an email.

STEP #1:

Follow these instructions for a parent theme that includes a child theme:
Download and un-zip the main .zip archive. This contains the Parent Theme .zip file and the Child Theme zip file.

Once the main archive has been un-zipped you will have two zip archives; one for David and the other for the child theme you purchased. DO NOT un-zip these 2 archives, they need to remain zipped so you can upload and install it automatically.

Follow these instructions for a parent theme alone.
You will be downloading a .zip file. There is no need to un-zip the download file as it needs to be in .zip format to install automatically.

STEP #2:

Automatic WordPress Theme Installation

Go to the Appearance menu and select Themes. From here, select Add New and then click on Upload Theme.

Next, browse to the location of the parent .zip archive first, select it and press the Install Now button. Don’t activate the parent theme if you want to use the child theme. The parent theme just needs to be in the Themes folder for the child theme to work.

Next, perform the above again but this time browse to the location of the child theme .zip archive select it and press the Install Now button. On the next screen chose to Activate.

Your theme is now installed and you are all set.


If you do not see an Appearance tab it could be that you do not have administrative rights to your WordPress site. Contact the person who set up your site.

STEP #3:

Refresh your website, it should load with the new WordPress theme.

Any problems? I’m only an email away.


Mac users: If your Mac is set to unzip files on download you are going to need to either re-zip it OR you can stop your Mac from unzipping zip files upon download. Please try a search using “how to stop mac from unzipping files automatically” and you’ll see a number of results. Pick one that works for you.

Once you have resolved the unzipping problem with Mac you can log back into your WordPress for Art account and download the theme again.





Support Channels

WordPress for Art only provides theme related support via our blog. We may request you to e-mail us your login details when needed, in which case we will communicate via e-mail to protect your confidential & secure details.

Support Hours

Our general support hours are Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 17:00 (MST). During this time, we can generally provide feedback on any support queries within 12 – 24 hours, whilst we will also commit to answer any queries outside of these hours within 36 hours.

Extent of our support

We only cover support for our themes, and can’t give general WordPress support that isn’t related to our themes. For general WordPress support you will have to use or register for the WordPress tutorials at

We understand that there is a fine line between what is considered support & modifications. So while we will try to help you with any type of query (support or modification), we can’t provide extensive help in terms of modifications. Technical support will thus take priority over modification support. We do however provide theme modification services at to help you with modifications to our themes.

Definition of modification support

If you are requesting modification help, which only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however your query requires more than that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance and you would then need to hire an under a separate contract if you don’t have the skills to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. During our general support hours, we can fix bugs within 24 – 48 hours. We will also try provide a solution via the knowledge base for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme package.


The Fine Print

You’re granted non-exclusive limited license to use the themes or products sold through our website ( (the “products”) in accordance with these Terms & Conditions (the “license”) issued by our company.

1. Theme Licensing & Usage

All our WordPress themes are licensed under the GNU general public license. Our themes may be used by our customers on as many websites as they like.

2. Updates

Theme updates are available to customers who have made an individual theme purchase. You will be notified by email of any updates which will contain a download link.

All themes are always designed to be compatible with the latest available version of WordPress, but we can give no guarantee, that older themes will run with future versions of WordPress. We are however committed to doing our best to make all the themes compatible with future releases of WordPress as quickly as we can.

3. Themes Compatibility

It is our mandate to keep the themes up-to-date and working with the latest version of WordPress. Our themes are developed and fine-tuned for WordPress 3.2 or higher, any version prior to that may have problems with some theme functionality. The minimal requirement for our themes is the same as WordPress, which is currently PHP 5.2 and MySQL 5.0 (requirements).

4. Browser Compatibility

Our themes support all modern web browsers including (but not limited to) Firefox, Safari, Chrome (all on PC & Mac) & Internet Explorer 8 & 9. Whilst we strive to give every theme a seamless & near-identical experience across each of these browsers, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of web standards support (relating to HTML & CSS) in some of these browsers.

In the case of a browser not support certain web standards, we will include a generic workaround for that browser, which will degrade a specific function / feature gradually and in a way that doesn’t affect the user experience negatively.

5. Delivery

After we have successfully received your payment, your Individual Theme information will be emailed to the email address you provided. This may take up to 1 hour but usually happens within minutes. If you do not receive an email after this time period, contact us through our website.

Upon logging in with the provided credentials, you will have instant access to download your theme(s).

6. Ownership

You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of our products, modified or unmodified. All products are property of WordPress for Art. Our products are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall our juridical person be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our products.

7. Site Content

All content, including imagery, published on the domain, including site content published on the showcase, is property of WordPress for Art and under copyright. Any replicated site content must be authorized and clearly referenced back to the source. Content from the WordPress for Art web site shall not be used or exploited for any commercial and non-private purposes without the prior written consent of WordPress for Art.

8. Billing Details

Transactions on recipts should appear with the description: “Artbiz Web Design. The registered processing entity is: KBD Holding Group Inc. o/a Artbiz, 14 Redwood Meadows Court, Redwood Meadows, Alberta, Canada, T3Z 1A3.

9. Refund Policy

Since WordPress for Art is offering non-tangible irrevocable, digital goods we do not issue refunds after a individual theme purchase is made, which you are responsible for understanding upon purchasing at our site.

10. Support

WordPress for Art offers these themes and designs ‘as is’, with no implied meaning that they will function exactly as you wish or with all 3rd party components and plugins. Further, we offer no support via email or otherwise for installation, customization, administration of WordPress itself. View our full support policy here.

11. Price Changes

WordPress for Art reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, change theme prices or availability of themes with or without notice.

12. Warranty

WordPress for Art does not warranty or guarantee these themes in any manner. We cannot guarantee they will function with all 3rd party components, plugins or web browsers. Browser compatibility should be tested against the demonstration templates on the demo server. Please ensure that the browsers you use will work with the templates as we can not guarantee that the templates will work with all browser combinations.

Our company reserves the right to change or modify current Terms and Conditions with no prior notice.
