Using Custom Fonts and Link Colors

New to David Themes at version 2.0 is the ability to change the Header and the Entry Title Fonts for pages and posts. As well you can now change the color of your links.

Here’s how…

Once your theme is installed you can do a live preview to customize before publishing live.

Screenshot of the active theme and links to customize

Click the Customize link in the Appearance menu or on the theme screenshot. The David theme adds two new customization features; Typography and a color selector under colors.

Change the Font

david-customize-fontsSelect the font from the drop down menu. If none is selected the default font will be applied. David Custom Fonts use the Google Font library so if you want see what the font looks like visit and test, test, test.

The header font will be applied to the site title only, the site description will remain with the default font.

The entry title are the page and post titles.

To reset to the default font select “default” at the top of the drop down list.

Change the Color

Pick a Color

Change some font colors using the color selector.

The header text is your site title.

Background color is typical applied around the pages of your site. But it depends on the theme.

Page title applies color to all the pages and blog post titles.

Link color will be applied to content area links only, widget area links and the main navigation menu remain at the default color.

To reset back to the default colors simple click the “clear” or “default” button.

Other Options include

  • Adding a header image to accompany the site title and description or replace it.
  • Add or change the background image.

Published by

Kim Bruce

Design is Kim Bruce’s background; art, her passion; digital technologies, her tool. Kim is a visual problem solver who designs WordPress themes for fine art. Here at, she helps artists get and maintain an online presence using WordPress.